Please Link to Us!

Please help tell the world about Simon's Stamps, by placing a link to us on your website. If you don't, people might have to buy their rubber stamps at one of those "big box" office superstores.You can help prevent that!

If you just want to recommend us, a plain text link would do the job. We also have a banner you can copy if you'd prefer. Here are some suggestions:

Site Title: Simon's Stamps | Custom Rubber Stamps


Description: Here's where you can design and order custom rubber stamps online. Create with plain text, or upload your graphics files (signatures, logos, children's art, whatever.) They have Wood handle stamps, self-inking, Trodat Printys, daters, etc. Fast service. Everything guaranteed.

HTML Code (cut and paste): <a href="">Simon's Stamps | Custom Rubber Stamps</a> Here's where you can design and order custom rubber stamps online. Create with plain text, or upload your graphics files (signatures, logos, children's art, whatever.) They have Wood handle stamps, self-inking, Trodat Printys, Xstampers, daters, etc. Fast service. Everything guaranteed.

Here's a banner you may use, if you'd like.

Simon's Stamps | Custom Rubber Stamps

And here's a smaller little ad block. Feel free to change it if you want:

Simon's Stamps | Order Custom Rubber Stamps Online

More banners can be copied from: Simon's Stamps banners page

If you do decide to link to us, THANK YOU!

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